This Commission will seek to better understand the City’s stormwater needs and provide advice to the Department of Engineering, Public Works and the BMA on these issues. A minimum of four members will be required to have professional experience in the fields of civil engineering, hydrology, landscape design or construction development. In addition to their advisory responsibilities to the BMA and City staff, the commission will meet as needed and serve as the local hearing board for stormwater-related appeals and for processing violations.
Regular meetings of the Commission will be held the second Thursday of every other month at 6 p.m. in the Klein Room at the Economic and Community Development office, 1920 South Germantown Road. The local hearing board will meet as needed.
The commission consists of seven voting members, including Doug Dietz, Stephen Edwards, Heather Lewis, Claudio Meier, Crystal Warren, Ex-Officio Sharon Goldsworthy, Alderman Jon McCreery and Director of Engineering Andy Sanders.
For more information, contact Andy Sanders at
ASanders@Germantown-TN.gov or call (901) 757-7232.